1.Ballyrag (v.) To bully or annoyingly tease someone
His brother ballyragged him for losing the game for the third time.
2.Buttress(n.)A component that provides stability, strength or support
The cathedral’s centuries-old walls were recently reinforced with strong buttresses.
3.Catawampus(adj.) Standing askew or awry
In the aftermath of the earthquake, the once straight fence stood catawampus, jutting out at odd angles from the cement
4.Chockablock(adj.) Packed ,brimming ; very full
The Super Bowl arena was chockablock with fans scrambling to find their seats before kickoff.
5.Dongle(n.) A small electronic device to connect a computer. Sometimes used as an adapter for other devices or for added features.
You need a dongle to charge your smartphone to your laptop; otherwise the cables aren’t compatible.
6.Frippery(n.)Clothing or finery that’s seen as frivolous or foolish
Their vests were ostentatious, gilded with golden thread and frippery that jingled as the group marched through the crowd.
7.Gambo(n.) A low, flat farm cart
She piled bales of hay onto the gambo and made her way to the stables.
8.Hootenanny(n.) An informal gathering with folk music
The hootenanny had five string bands, decorations, and a big dance floor.
9. Hullabaloo(n.) A commotion
The appearance of the stranger at the door created a hullabaloo among the dinner guests.
10.Innuendo(n.) an insinuation, particularly one that veils an opinion about a person’s character
The comedian’s subtle innuendo had the audience laughing and in near tears.
11.Kenspeckle(adj.) Conspicuous
With its towering spires piercing the sky, the kenspeckle landmark could be seen from miles away.
12.Lollygag(v.) Wasting time, foolishly causing delay
Keep lollygagging with cleaning up your room, and you’ll never make it in time to the party
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